Monday, January 30, 2006

What Would You Ask?

I've been reading the companion book to What the Bleep Do We Know and right off the bat it gets you thinking about the Great Questions of life. Silly as it may seem the writers ask what would you do if a spaceship landed in your house and inside it was the The Universal Book of Everything. You get to answer one question, and after you ask your question you are given the chance to ask something else. After you've scratched your head for who knows how long, and thoughtfully answered your questions one more question to ponder. What is the one thing you know for sure? It really didn't take me long to come up with my answers, they aren't earth shaking or anything like that, just things I have been wondering about since my son Zach died almost 3 years ago. My first question would be about Zach. Is his spirit alive and happy, and is he with someone who knows to give him a big hug and kiss every now and then. The next thing I would want to know - what it is I'm supposed to do to make this world a better place, I'd want the answer to be specific so I could get started on it right away. No time like the present. And, the one thing I know for sure is that my family is the most important thing in the world to me. I didn't think I could go on living after Zach died, but I have kept on going for my husband, my son Jameson, my mother, my brother and my nieces. Life doesn't always turn out like we expect it to, but I'm learning that if we change our way of thinking, we can change our lives, and change the lives of others. Now I'm wondering what would you ask?

1 comment:

Kelly Byrom said...

whoa...i can't thinkk this deep in the morning. i know it would definately be about many answers in faith but not in fact. i have faith but it would be nice to ask some questions about it. im adding you to my blog friends list.